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1. MD Systems

DynX Validity


R.L. Wiley, PhD.


2. Strength Norms


3.  Grip & Pinch Test Protocol

ASHT Publication

4.  Medical Studies

5.  Related Studies



6.  Cardiovascular Health

7.  Caution-ContraIndications




DynX product evolved from basic
research conducted by MD Systems’
cardiopulmonary physiologist, Ronald L.
Wiley, PhD, focused on controlled
isometric hand-grip exercises as a means of improving cardiovascular health. A review of published scientific literature, summarized by David W. Ferguson, PhD. explains physiological mechanisms invoked by Dr. Wiley’s exercise protocols for purposes of FDA clearances.  These studies and scientific data revealed a need to develop a multi-purpose exercise and testing tool for researchers, clinicians, technicians, and sports trainers to address not only hand-arm therapy and upper body strength, but also a broad range of health issues.   Information provided in this section is relevant to this research, exercise regimens, and product utility, including contra-indications for use of the exercise regimens, which are similar to those applicable to most exercise equipment.
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